Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Running Goals

You may notice that I added a new gadget to the side of my blog. The new gadget tracks my mileage for the week, month and year; how cool! Since I didn't find this until today, I didn't track my mileage for the rest of January, but that's okay, it will still keep me motivated.

Speaking of motivation, I am looking for a good training program to use while training for the Indy mini; any suggestions are welcome. I have heard good things about Hal Higdon's program, and I am thinking about using his Intermediate training program.

Here are my previous times from the particular race:
2004= 2:08:07 (my first half marathon ever!)
2006= 1:50:53 (man I was flying!)
2008= 2:15:05 (I was twiddling my thumbs, or just way out of shape, probably the latter one!)
2009= 2:02:44 (most memorable as this is the one I ran with my mom; not many can say that!)

So, after looking at these times, and knowing that 2006 is the only year I TRULY trained for the mini; this was the only year that I completed my long runs. Long runs is where I struggle, and is the reason why my other times haven't been what I would like them to be. I usually do all the other runs, but only ever get up to about 7 miles for my long runs, but this year is going to be different. My goal is to really follow a training program and complete the long runs. My goal is to run this year's Indianpolis Mini Marathon in 1:55-I can do it!

I feel that this will also be a good gauge as to whether or not I will run a full marathon this fall. If I can't even stick to a half marathon training program with fidelity, there is no way I will be able to do a full marathon. So, this year, is a true test to my running faith. I will start my training program in two weeks; I will let you know which I choose.

Happy Running

Until next time,
H :)


  1. I like your running distance totals! Way to go! I like the 4 running days a week training. 1 day speed, 1 day tempo, 1 day long. 1 day (anything else you want to improve on, depending on how you feel). Lets compete this year! : ) Love Mom

  2. Hi, Hollie - just found your blog (my spouse made the infamous TCBY comment at J's bachelor weekend). Good luck with your goals! I'm trying to figure out mine for the year, too. In 2009, my goal was to do what felt right for me - funny goal, but it worked. This year I know I want to do Chicago in October, and maybe Derby in April. I'm not good with training plans, but I think the key is at least doing your LRs and probably not killing hills and speed at the same time (I've learned the hard way).
