Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: A Year of Change, Traditions and Normalcy

Well, here it is, the end of 2010... the end of one full year of marriage for Mr. Hoosier and me. Both 2009 & 2010 were incredible years for me, and I am ready for whatever the Lord brings me in 2011; I am sure it will be nothing short of amazing!

When I look back on 2010, the best way for me to sum it all up is that it was a year of, "change, traditions, and normalcy." Yes, I know that seems a little contradictory, but here is a summary of Mrs. Preppy Hoosier's 2010!

In January, I said good-bye to two very important people; one for good, and one was just a "change" in placement. At the beginning of January, our family lost a very special young man and my little cousin lost her first love to a terrible strep infection. Although Nate is gone, he will forever live on in our hearts, and there hasn't been a single family outing where we haven't honored and remember him. Then, at the end of January, I said good-bye to my brother as he left to become a proud and brave member of the United States Navy. Because of him, I have such a better appreciation and understand of our military members and families. I continue to glow as I tell people that MY brother serves our country; what an amazing commitment and sacrifice he has made. As we end 2010, may God continue to give our family, Nate's family, and Katie comfort in knowing he is free of pain, and may the Lord continue to watch over my brother and keep him safe as he serves our country.

As the grief of January dismissed, and things settled down from the holidays, the end of the winter months and beginning of spring became months normalcy. Mr. Hoosier and I really began to create our own routines at our home and really settled into life as "us". In March I turned 26, and began training for my best half marathon yet.
The with April came some changes. In April, I made a decision to take my chances by volunteering to move to a different school and end my special education career. My request was accepted and in May I said good-bye to the only building I ever knew and some very special co-workers- especially the best counterpart I am sure I will ever have. Although bittersweet the decision has panned out to be the best of my career thus far.

Also in May, Mr. Hoosier and I both ran our best half marathon times EVER and celebrated on year of marriage! At the end of May, I began training for my first ever marathon, but was then injured shortly there after and forced to take four weeks off in the month of June and July. As June entered, my little sister graduated from high school, we enjoyed many weekend cookouts with our friends, and I spent half days teaching "kiddie fitness camps" at the YMCA. When July rolled in, we said good-bye to my brother once again as he graduated from A-school in Chicago and made the move to Norfolk, Virginia where he is now stationed.

Although difficult to say bye to my brother in July, we were happy to spend a week in mid July in California at the wedding of Mr. Hoosier's cousin. After the wedding, we spent a week "just the two of us" exploring southern California and enjoying our second vacation as husband and wife.

Once we returned from vacation, it was time for me to start my fourth year of teaching, but at a brand new school. With this being the case, August flew by and September brought the heart of marathon training and the engagement of my very favorite cousin, Ash! We brought in the fall month with football and soups each weekend and many outdoor activities. Mr. Hoosier turned 29 in October; nothing like celebrating his last year of his 20's! We combined his birthday with my first-ever marathon, and a weekend in Chicago with our great friends, Hoosier (yes another one) and Badger! After the marathon, I took a huge hiatus from running!

Although it seems like October was a month of normalcy as we stayed home a lot and enjoyed our weekends together, there was also change as Mr. Hoosier accepted a new job. With this new job, he made the change from 6 years in large corporation finance to the small business industry with a focus on insurance. I continue to be proud of the professional man he has become and continues to be; he always puts our family in the forefront of his professional life. I take comfort in knowing he always does was will be best for us in the present and in the future!

As Mr. Hoosier became settled in his new position, and I became emerged in mine, for the first time in our three years together, we BOTH were extremely happy and enjoying our careers. These changes have brought a weekly routine for us and weekly family traditions.

In addition to the weekly traditions, the holidays came and we continued to make our own traditions and keep some that we had as young kids. We celebrated Thanksgiving back home with my family, and were fortunate enough to see ALL of his family for Christmas and have my mom and sister come down to stay with us as well. In general for my immediate family, 2010 was the year that us three siblings transformed from my mom's, "three little rugrats" to her adult kids; I am so proud of the way she has adjusted!

As I end this year that has been "oh so great", I feel like I have to pinch myself to make sure that this life I am living is real! I am blessed beyond belief to wake up each day to my best friend, share so much love and support with my family, live a life full of genuine friends, and walk into a job that I love and look forward to each day.

Although we have had to make some changes in 2010, those changes has forced us into a life of normalcy and traditions in the Preppy Hoosier house! As I ring in 2011, I pray that whatever God gives me in 2011 I will be open and accepting to His plan! And maybe that will lead me to my New Year's resolution...

Have a happy and safe New Year, friends! May you take this time to celebrate the gifts you have been given this past year!

Until next time,
H =)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays from Mr. & Mrs. Preppy Hoosier

Sending you and your's warm holiday wishes.
May you share your true gifts this holiday season!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Favorite Holiday Traditions & Memories

Ahhhh, it is here! My Christmas season has officially begun. For me, it is difficult for me to do any Christmas-thinking, besides my decorating, until I am on Christmas break, and then I usually run around to get everything done in time. However, this year I did some shopping before hand, and Mr. Hoosier and I are not doing gifts this year and instead saving for our Italy Trip in October 2011. With all this being said, I am now in what I call, "enjoy the season" mode!

There are so many things I love about the holidays: decorations, cookies, the first snowfall, the music, movies, and the kindness of others. However the one thing I enjoy the most, is the traditions of the Holiday season. As Mr. Hoosier and I create this life together, we are trying to incorporate ones for our childhood as well as those of our own.

As I reflect back on some childhood memories and traditions, here are some that top my memory... beware I have an uncanny memory!
1. Putting on Mariah Carey's Christmas cd and doing showchoir dance moves while putting up the Christmas tree.... yes, this happened from about 6th grade until I moved out of the house!

2. Opening one gift prior to attending Midnight Mass- it was always new pajamas!

3. Christmas Eve with the Rhoades side at my mom's.

4. When I was really little, my mom, brother, sister, Aunt, and three favorite cousins used to bundle up and get in my Aunt's Astro van and drive around Fort Wayne and look at lights. I remember the one time we went to this culde-sac of huge houses and a ton of lights and they had a mailbox for letters to Santa; we all had written one prior to and put them in there!

5. Christmas Eve at my Aunt Kathy's- she used to live in the same neighborhood where my mom and all her sisters grew up. One Christmas Eve we caroled throughout the neighborhood, and ended up caroling to many that knew my mom and aunts from when they were little girls! As I look back on this, I am amazed, and want to do it again!

6. In high school, my best friend and I would come home from midnight mass and wait for my parents to go to bed and shake ALL of my gifts... bad girls! But how I miss attending church and spending Christmas Eve with my BFF and her family!

7. Family ski trips every Christmas break!

8. Making Peanut Butter Cookies with mom and taking them to all of the neighbors and my Great- Grandma that was in the nursing home.

9. A one-time memory- all of the family in one house on Christmas day when Aunt Laura lived in Michigan. Santa miraculously knew we were all there and delivered all the gifts there! I woke everyone up at 5am to open gifts, and received a Walkman... yes, you read that correctly!

And my most favorite and most missed Holiday memory... piling into one bed with my brother and sister anxiously awaiting "Santa Claus' arrival". Even when we became too big to pile into one bed, we still tried. Sometimes my brother would sleep on the floor and let us girls have the bed! Oh how I miss those days, but will treasure them forever! I hope some day we can share that special memories with our own children, and all pile into one house with all of our kids and have Christmas day just one more time!!!

I hope you take the time this Holiday season to create new traditions and relive old ones with the ones you love the most!

Until next time,